URL: www.royalcyber.com
E-mail: info@royalcyber.com
March 2014- Newsletter

Welcome to this month's RDz Newsletter highlighting news and events, blogs, upcoming webinars, whitepapers, insights, "how to" information, editorial content and shared experience about IBM's Rational® E.M. product line; On the tools, their usage, technical value and obstacles for doing production z/OS work with them.

The views expressed in this newsletter are solely ours They are based on the production use of the Rational® E.M. products internally and on customer engagements. We welcome your comments and feedback. Please direct emails to: inquiries@royalcyber.com

 Register For Our RDz Distance Learning Training

 Register for our upcoming RDz trainings schduled every month. In addition to the traditional 5 day  Distance Learning sessions, we are now offering the 10 day Distance Learning sessions that span 2  weeks.


Recycled Code – RDz's Reusable Code Features

There have been many, many, many, many attempts throughout the history of software development to provide frameworks, languages, and tools that assist programmers in building applications from reusable parts – usually tested/production-ready code.

Online Transaction Static Analysis – Done Right

You've just been assigned to a new project team … or? You went to work for a new company… or? You've jumped back into some pool of complex CICS or IMS TM (you remember it as: IMS DC) transaction you once authored programs for – either because you have to pick up support or have to analyze a change. What's the first thing you do?

Rational EM News
For details on the Royal Cyber RDz Rollout and project/task usage modeling contact us: inquires@royalcyber.com

Make it To view our technical newsletter – Volume 2, Febuary 2014 click here link RDz-newsletter-feb-2014

Awards & Achievements